Saturday, August 14, 2010

Reagan ambassador emaciated Italy's intelligence capabilities in the Arab world

August , 2010 -- Reagan ambassador emaciated Italy's intelligence capabilities in the Arab world
Paleo-neocons in Reagan administration destroyed Italy's intelligence capabilities in the Arab world.

The CIA translated and maintained in its voluminous files an article from the Milan newspaper Il Mondo that described the joint actions of the CIA and "the American Jewish Lobby" to purge Arabists from the Italian intelligence service (SISMI) and counter-terrorism service (SISDE) in the early 1980s.

The article, once stamped "For Official Use Only" and dated January 8, 1982, states that "a mass defection among the [intelligence] professionals" affected "the most delicate of the intelligence agencies."

The article states that among the blows to SISMI and SISDE "came with the recent influx of CIA personnel here, both before and after the arrival of the new U.S. ambassador to Rome, Maxwell Rabb (a member of the very powerful American Jewish lobby who has business connections in Israel)." The article continues by stating that "Italy's capacity for foreign penetration (and 'foreign' for Italy in this delicate context means primarily the Middle East)" declined.

Rabb had served as an assistant to Navy Secretary James Forrestal in the Roosevelt and Truman administrations. Rabb also served as an assistant to Eisenhower adviser Sherman Adams for issues dealing with Jewish issues and "anti-Semitism." Before and during World War II, Rabb served as an assistant to two Massachusetts Republican senators, Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. and Sinclair Weeks.

One of the SISMI casualties described in the article was Carabiniere Colonel Stefano Giovannone, "who led SISMI's southeastern division and most importantly was the man who maintained close ties with the top spokesmen for the incandescent Arab world, including the Palestinian leadership."

Along with the departure of Giovannone was, according the article, the demise of SISMI's "building and strengthening good working relationships with the Arab nations around the Mediterranean" in order to "keep Italy our of the line of fire of the Palestinian guerrillas and other Arab irredentist groups" and continue Italian economic penetration of Middle East commercial markets.

The article states that the demise of Italy's autonomous intelligence services in the Mediterranean region was also engineered by France's SDECE and Israel's Mossad. Particular targets of SDECE and Mossad included Italian industries that had contracts with Iraq. The article states that the French and Israelis leaked to the media fabricated reports concerning "alleged payoffs to the Italian parties in connection with trade agreements (such as the sale of Lupo-class frigates to Iraq and, quite probably, the ENI contract with Petromin.")

The article suggests that Rabb and the government of Italian Prime Minister Giovanni Spadolini were developing "parallel structures" for intelligence, which was viewed with alarm after what the paper described as the "P2 hurricane." P2, or Propaganda Due, was a secretive Masonic lodge exposed in the late 1970s that had influential members within the Italian government, police, intelligence services, and even the Vatican.

The purging of SISMI's Arab specialists did not end in 1982. On March 4, 2005, US forces guarding the road from Baghdad to Baghdad Airport opened fire on the car transporting the deputy head of the Italian intelligence service SISMI and Italian journalist Giuliana Sgrena, freed by hostage takers, to an awaiting plane bound for Rome. Calipari was killed in what WMR previously reported was a targeted assassination. Calipari was a member of the Arabist wing of SISMI who survived the purges of the 1980s. But his negotiations with Iraqi insurgents who had taken Sgrena hostage also exposed his links to the Arabs in the Middle East, earning him a death sentence from the neocons in Washington.

WMR reported on multiple confirmations that Calipari was purposefully targeted by US forces who feared he was bringing out of Iraq evidence proving US war crimes in Iraq. It was reportedly part of a quid pro quo arranged with Sgrena's Iraqi captors who released her to Calipari in return for informing the world about US war crimes in Fallujah.

The United States has refused to bring Calipari's assassins to justice.

When Calipari was shot by the Americans, there happened to be another AIPAC-tied U.S. ambassador in Rome, Mel Sembler. A month before Calipari was assassinated, Sembler had an annex to the embassy named after himself, a move never before accomplished by an incumbent U.S. ambassador. WMR has learned from U.S. diplomatic sources that AIPAC, in effect, "owns" four U.S. ambassadorial posts in the Mediterranean region: Rome, Rabat, Ankara, and Tel Aviv.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Nasrallah charges Israel with being behind Hariri assassination

August , 2010 -- Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah, Head of the Lebanese Resistance charges Israel with being behind Hariri and many other assassinations....

Lebanon continues round-up of confirmed Mossad/CIA agents....

Intelligence role of STL/CIA in Beirut suspected by many and by Hezbollah....

Lebanese counter-intelligence continues to round up a number of confirmed Mossad agents embedded inside the Lebanese political structure and telecommunications sector, according to reports reaching us from DC.....

Although Hezbollah provided Daniel CIA/MOSSAD Bellmare and his UN Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) office in Beirut with six DVDs showing Israeli surveillance drone footage of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri's routes, tight curves and various locations prior to his suicide truck bombing assassination on February 14th 2005, Bellemare/CIA wants Hezbollah to turn over more data on how Hezbollah was able to intercept Israel command and control communications with its drones over Beirut. We have learned that Bellemare's team is riddled with Israeli agents and CIA agents who are also working on behalf of Israeli intelligence and CIA...., wall to wall from the inception of the idea of STL..... Hezbollah has charged, and we have previously reported, that Mossad and the infamous White House Murder INC, using Asef SHAWKAT's cut-outs.....was behind the assassination of Mr. Elie HOBEIKA in Jan. 2002 and of Hariri in order to rid Lebanon of Syrian forces and destabilize the country, thus attempting the weakening of Hezbollah's influence, which failed miserably so far..... The operation against Hariri, as we also previously reported, involved the CIA and operatives working on behalf of CIA/MOSSAD, using bamboozled rogue operatives of the Syro-Lebanese Deep State apparatus.....

Israel is obviously concerned that some of its agents in Lebanon, of which there are many, may be double agents passing intelligence to Hezbollah. For example, one of the latest Lebanese nationals who has been caught up in the Lebanese counter-intelligence snare is Tony Boutros, who, we are told, is in charge of all the fixed cables on the landline telephone networks in Lebanon. Furthermore, Boutros had just returned from a trip overseas prior to his apprehension by Lebanese authorities. When Boutros was arrested, in his home was a contingent of Ethiopian Falasha Jews who we are told "were not maids or servants."

Israel and its friends in the STL also want to know how Hezbollah obtained clandestinely-taken photographs showing known Mossad agents meeting with members of the Lebanese Parliament and two top-level politicians, former Prime Minister Fouad Siniora and current Minister of State Jean Ogassapian, OKAB SAKR, Jamal AL-JARRAH and others..... All are considered close to neocon political circles in the United States and Israel.....

Following Boutros's arrest, another top Lebanese army officer, Colonel Antoine Abou-Jaoude, was arrested on charges of spying for Mossad. The recent arrests follow scores of others, over 150 so far...., in an attempt by Lebanon to break up a huge Mossad/CIA/MI6/BND/DGSE/CSIS/SIMI , KSA, Syria, Jordan, Egypt....etc. networks operating throughout the tiny country for decades....

Elias Murr goes ballistic over allegations that he 'postponed' looking into A spy's file...

المفاجآت في هذا الملف لم تقتصر على السحمراني. ففي الشهر التالي، توصلت مديرية استخبارات الجيش إلى معطيات تقنية يمكن من خلالها ربط العميد المتقاعد من الجيش، غسان الجد، بالاستخبارات الإسرائيلية. حاولت توقيفه، إلا أنه كان قد فرّ إلى خارج لبنان. وبحسب مصدر مطّلع، فإنّ عملية الفرار جرت بعد حصول المشتبه فيه على إشارات معيّنة لم يُعرف ما إذا كانت تسريباً مقصوداً أو معلومات وفّرتها له إسرائيل. ذلك أنه عندما تقرر توقيف الجد، أبلغ قائد الجيش العماد جان قهوجي وزير الدفاع إلياس المر بالأمر، فطلب الأخير التمهّل لبعض الوقت، لكنّ الجد سافر في اليوم التالي إلى خارج لبنان
.Elias CIA MURR is one of those Super CIA agents for at least 12 years and counting .....
إلياس المر صعد قطار الخيانة, فهل يكون آخـر الخونة...؟
We just learned that the author of this Al Akhbar article has been summoned to the Ministry of Defense for 'investigations'... The 'article' in question reported that the LAF's commander, Jean Kahwaji, informed Murr of the spy's (retired general Ghassan al Jedd) intentions, but that Murr 'took his time', allowing al Jedd to leave Lebanon...
It took Murr over 15 minutes to plead to the media to let him "live in peace"... Until he finally went to the crux of his press conference: that he will prosecute journalists who dishonor the Military with insinuations and falsehoods ...

Fadlallah assassination attempt in 1985 by CIA and Mossad provides important clues and support for Nasrallah's charges....

The leader of Lebanese Hezbollah, Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah, has charged that contrary to an expected UN Special Tribunal for Lebanon report that will blame Hezbollah for the February 14, 2005 suicide bomb assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, he has Israeli spy plane evidence that shows the Israelis were closely monitoring Hariri's route on the day he was killed in order to monitor their CIA-MOSSAD Syrian cut-outs engineered by Asef SHAWKAT in action....after he was Bamboozled into action by CIA/MOSSAD....[ as we previously reported ...]

We have previously reported that it was Mossad, along with CIA contract "cut-out" operatives in Lebanon, that carried out the assassination of Mr. Elie HOBEIKA on January 24th 2002 and Hariri in 2005....

A recent Israeli Lobby-backed campaign against former CNN Middle East editor Octavia Nasr for tweeting that she regretted the death of the late Lebanese Shi'a cleric Sheikh Muhammad Hussein Fadlallah, who died last month, was likely an attempt by the Israeli-influenced U.S. media, including CNN -- which employs former American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) spokesman Wolf Blitzer as its Washington bureau chief -- to paint Fadlallah as a pro-Hezbollah militant prior to the issuance of the UN report blaming Hezbollah for Hariri's assassination. The same cabal of Israeli apologists in the media also recently attacked CNN's Middle East correspondent Ben Wedeman for his views on Israel.

AIPAC and its friends who overly-populate the senior editorial and production positions in America's news media wanted to put all the attention on Nasr and her admiration for Fadllallah to take attention off of what happened to Fadlallah on March 4, 1985.

In the Beirut suburb of Bir-al-Abid, a massive car bomb was detonated in an attempt to assassinate Fadlallah. Although Fadlallah escaped, the bomb, detonated by remote control, leveled several city blocks, killed 85 innocent bystanders, and injured more than 300 people. The perpetrators were the CIA lackeys and stooges within Lebanese Army Intelligence of Johnny ABDO and Amine GEMAYEL, aided by Mossad. The people of Lebanon have long memories and recall how the CIA and Mossad conspired to try to kill Fadllalah. In fact, the bombing attack on Fadlallah bore similarities to the car bombing assassinations of Hariri, Lebanese parliamentarian and ex-Minister Mr. Elie Hobeika, and other leading Lebanese politicians during the past eight years....

None other than former CIA director Stansfield Turner spilled the beans on the CIA being behind the assassination attempt on Fadlallah on June 1, 1986, when, in an interview, he revealed that the United States had tried to kill Fadlallah with a car bomb....using Lebanese proxies...

The CIA, using its own case officers and Lebanese operatives, planned the assassination of Fadlallah with Mossad agents inside Lebanon. It is with this background of joint CIA-Mossad assassination teams active in Lebanon that Nasrallah bases his contention that it was not Hezbollah, but the Israelis, who assassinated Hariri. Nasrallah, for the time being, is not alleging U.S. involvement but based on what the UN Report contains, that may change....because since 1980s CIA/MOSSAD became Siamese twins...

Contrary to the propaganda organs of Israel's Lobby in the United states, the West in General, and in some Arab countries, particularly the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA), and MEMRI a Mossad contrivance, Fadlallah was generally an informed voice of reason in the Muslim world in the Middle East. The pro-Israel at any cost camp is entitled to their opinions, all of which are deeply flawed and racist in nature, but they are not entitled to their own facts. The facts are that Fadlallah, targeted for assassination by the CIA, Mossad, and Lebanese Christian right-wingers, supported women's rights, religious dialog and scholarship, anti-colonialism, peace for Jews in the Middle East, and opposed turning Lebanon into an Islamic republic. Compare Fadllalah's beliefs to those of Israeli racists like Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, and their anti-Arab and anti-black mole inside the Obama White House, Rahm MOSSAD Emanuel, and Fadlallah does come off sounding like a Middle Eastern version of Nelson Mandela.

The CIA under William Casey began tilting the agency in the direction of cooperating with Mossad and eclipsing the "Arabists" in the agency. The 1981 appointment by Casey of his friend Max Hugel, a pro-Israeli who was later enmeshed in improper stock transactions and problematic links to Israeli intelligence, as deputy director for operations at Langley, allowed for the promotion of officials who were biased toward Israel....

A formerly Secret Director of Central Intelligence memorandum, dated June 24, 1982, for Casey, prepared by an obviously pro-Israeli National Intelligence Officer (NIO) in the Near Eastern/South Asia Division for a briefing on June 25 for Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger and Deputy Defense Secretary Frank Carlucci, took a swipe at the CIA's "Arabists."

At the time, Lebanon was mired in civil war and there were demands that Israel withdraw its forces from Beirut and their replacement by international and Lebanese forces. The NIO was looking for a "token" Israeli pullback to allow for "Arab regimes" to claim they influenced the United States in bringing it about. The memo indicates that the major regime to benefit from the duplicity of a token Israeli pullback was Saudi Arabia.

The NIO then writes of West Beirut, a stronghold of Hezbollah: "A move on West Beirut by the Israelis is obviously not in our wider interests. I personally feel it would not be totally cataclysmic, but many Arabists [emphasis added] disagree. If it occurs, it may not initially be the all-out bloody advance being discussed, but rather: -- Isolation of the Shi'a areas from attack, and pressure on Shia leaders to police their own area. The content of recent Shia/Christian contacts seem to indicate this may be possible."

But then in a reference to Palestinian refugee camps in the Beirut region that would, three months later, between September 16 and 18 September, be the sites of a bloody massacre of as many as 700 Palestinian men, women, and children by Israeli-supervised, SLA, Sayyaret METKAL forces and some Lebanese Christian militia members at the camps of Sabra and Chatilla.

The CIA NIO/NESA memo states that a move by Israelis into West Beirut could lead to an "attack on the Palestinian camps (largely denuded of civilians) and advance to the Mazra' area on the edge of the Beirut city center." Three months later, the "largely denuded" camps of civilian Palestinians would see as many as 700 murdered by a joint Lebanese SLA-Israeli force. Even the Israeli Kahan Commission charged the Israeli Defense Forces under then-Defense Minister Ariel Sharon with "direct" responsibility for the Sabra and Chatilla massacres. The goal of an Israeli move into West Beirut, as seen by the NIO/NESA, was "further compression of Palestinian/Leftist/regional Syrian elements into the remaining area of West Beirut." This would be followed by a token Israeli pullback to serve "our interests as well." The NIO/NESA hope was that Palestinian leaders (Arafat, Khalaf, and others) would exit the area clandestinely and not become "martyrs."

The memo also reports that President Reagan had an "acrimonious" meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin over the issue of Palestinian autonomy. The NIO/NESA said that Reagan pressured Begin "hard on a wider scenario for Palestinian autonomy than he now envisages." The NIO/NESA reports he discussed the stormy Reagan-Begin meeting with "the local Mossad representative" and was told the written autonomy plan Begin left, was "pretty much the same restricted autonomy scheme already discussed by the Israelis."

Some thirty years later, the Israeli "scheme" continues to emphasize a "restricted autonomy" plan for the Palestinians. And, unlike Reagan, Barack Obama has not lifted one finger to pressure the Israelis and insists on keeping a chief Mossad asset as his chief of staff....

"must watch"!!