Friday, March 20, 2009

Obama takes advice from PNAC signatory....and Obama's basketball mate is an old CIA covert player

Obama takes advice from PNAC signatory....and Obama's basketball mate is an old CIA covert player....nothing has changed...

Informed sources have told us that President Obama has developed a close association with former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage, one of the media sources for the covert identity of outed CIA agent Valerie Plame Wilson.

Obama has sought the advice of Armitage on national security matters. Ironically, Armitage was an adviser to the failed presidential campaign of Senator John McCain, Obama's adversary. Armitage is among a number of Republicans who Obama has consulted with since being elected President. Others include former Gerald Ford and George H. W. Bush national security adviser Brent Scowcroft and former Secretaries of State George Shultz, James Baker (George W. Bush's 2000 "fix-it" man in the Florida recount], Zbignew Brzezinski and Henry Kissinger....

While Powell's deputy in 2001, Armitage told Pakistan's President Pervez Musharraf after 9/11 that the United States would "bomb Pakistan back to the stone age" unless joining the battle against Al Qaeda.

Armitage, who is 64, can still bench press 300 pounds and he is reportedly now one of Obama's regular basketball playing partners. Their gymnasium repartee has earned Armitage the ear of Obama on a number of national security and foreign policy matters.

There is another irony with Obama's relationship with Armitage. With revelations that former Vice President Dick Cheney operated an assassination unit out of the White House, it should be noted that Armitage was associated with the CIA's Phoenix Program, a covert operation that targeted Vietnamese political and religious leaders for assassination. Armitage was also linked to narcotics trafficking from Southeast Asia's "Golden Triangle." After the Vietnam War, Armitage was a Pentagon "consultant" in Tehran until 1976 and from 1977 to 1978, he ran an "import-export" business in Bangkok. In 1978, Armitage joined the Senate staff of Bob Dole, the unsuccessful GOP vice presidential candidate in 1976. Armitage was reportedly involved with the CIA's Ted Shackley in Indochinese drug smuggling and other covert activities.

In 1981, when the 20-year-old Obama, who was known as "Barry Soetoro," traveled to Pakistan from his home in Indonesia, during a time of increased covert assistance to Pakistan-based Afghan mujahidin elements, Armitage served as Ronald Reagan's Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for East Asia and Pacific Affairs where his portfolio included U.S. relations with and programs in Indonesia. In 1998, Armitage was a signatory to the "Project for the New American Century" (PNAC) letter to Bill Clinton urging the military removal of Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq....

I wouldn't say Obama is worse than Bush, but I would agree the same people control him. Almost everybody around Obama are recycled from the Clinton/Bush year, and the international bankers who pull their strings are still there, as always. The Obamacons offer a false sense of security, which may make them more dangerous in the long run. The republican-neocons would never be able to take away guns and free speech, but the democrat-neolibs might be able to do that. They also intend to create an Obama-youth corps, which I find chilling. There is going to be widespread unrest, but the last thing we need is to arm the indoctrinated violence-prone youth of this country. I can see it now: hordes of uniformed Obama-youth patrolling the streets of our cities to
"prevent" violence, and take-away dissenters to the gulags (yes there is a gulag system already in place). That's when this old boy gets out of the city!


FTW - On March 23, after being recommended in a unanimous 18-0 vote by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, former Vietnam-era covert operative and Contra-era figure Richard Armitage was confirmed as Deputy Secretary of State in a voice vote on the Senate Floor. The unchallenged confirmation of a figure who had previously been investigated by President Reagan's Commission on Organized Crime (1984) for alleged links to gambling and prostitution was totally ignored by the major American media. Armitage has already begun work at the State Department and is deeply involved in negotiations over a US spy plane recently captured by the Chinese government.

The total lack of opposition to Armitage's appointment indicates an apparent inability of the US Congress to muster any critical examination of appointments or policy at a time when an imperiled US economy and an almost combative Bush Administration is dealing with mounting economic and political challenges around the globe.

Armitage, who was denied a 1989 appointment as Assistant Secretary of State because of links to Iran-Contra and other scandals, served as Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs in the Reagan years. U.S. Government stipulations in the Oliver North trial specifically named Armitage as one of the DoD officials responsible for illegal transfers of weapons to Iran and the Contras. But Armitage's dirty past goes much deeper.

A Vietnam veteran and graduate of Annapolis, Armitage's roots have been thoroughly intertwined with the likes of CIA veteran Ted Shackley, Richard Secord, Heine Aderholt, Elliot Abrams, Dewey Clarridge, Edwin Wilson and Tom Clines. All of these men have been directly linked to CIA covert operations, the drug trade, the abandonment of U.S. prisoners of War after Vietnam and/or Iran-Contra. Armitage has also been routinely discussed in FTW as a Bush-era covert functionary who has been linked to covert operations, drug smuggling and the expansion of organized crime operations in Russia, Central Asia and the Far East.

In 1986 a private dispute between POW activist Ross Perot and Armitage went public as photos of Armitage with a topless Vietnamese nightclub owner Nguyen O'Rourke brought allegations of gambling and prostitution close to Armitage's doorstep. The stories went public when TIME and "The Boston Globe" wrote lengthy stories on the feud in 1986 and 1987. That scandal arose as a result of 1984 investigations by President Reagan's Commission on Organized Crime in which the photo and documentation of gambling charges and prostitution led to direct Armitage's close association with O'Rourke. Then LAPD Assistant Chief Jesse Brewer, a former Commanding Officer of this writer, served on the Reagan Commission.

The 1992 best-seller "Kiss The Boys Goodbye" by former "60 MINUTES" producer Monika Jensen-Stevenson details Armitage's role as Reagan point man on Vietnam POW-MIA issues and describes why Armitage has earned the enmity of many POW activists. However, in a 1995 interview with "The Washington Post", Colin Powell referred to Armitage as his "white son." This, notwithstanding the fact that the 6 foot, balding, power-lifter, now 56, can still bench press 300 or more pounds and reportedly "enjoys killing."

William Tyree, Special Forces Veteran who has provided much reliable information and documentation to FTW in the past said, "Armitage used to 'sit ambush' on the trails in Laos and Cambodia. He liked it. Now when Powell, 'the dove,' sits down at a table with Armitage 'the killer' beside him the message will be that Armitage can reach across the table and deal with the other party on the spot." That message will not go unheard.

Mike Ruppert
"From The Wilderness"

Richard Armitage Reportedly Enjoys Killing

The real power behind the utterly confused

The real power behind the utterly confused!

The American “republicrat” elite –– the one that truly call the shots of governance –– fiercely oppose the notion of Statehood and nationalism, they are hell-bent on fomenting the fragmentation of the Greater Middle East, Africa and ASIA into thousands of Tribes with Flags, in order to complete the strategy of militarizing energy security for the UKUSA Alliance, for the next 100 years....
With each “republicrat” administration (bipartidism is just an illusion for fools consumption) they have being slowly advancing their control over the mind of the American population toward the realization of their globalist agenda. Americans, in general, have developed a dependence on the government and the media for what to think or do about anything. That is why the elite –– not Obama who is a mere stooge –– now feel confident on increasingly turning the heat on for the end-game, which is the fragmentation of the Greater Middle East, Africa and ASIA into thousands of Tribes with Flags, in order to complete the strategy of militarizing energy security for the UKUSA Alliance, for the next 100 years....
The Israel Lobby in its entirety...and in every the impression of being classic "court Jews" by the Siamese twins, CIA2/MOSSAD/MI6...
Israel should abandon America in favor of HaShem....
The dependence of the State of Israel on America is a Hilul HaShem. We returned to our land and won the wars only though our own efforts and the helping hand of the One above. We should acknowledge the miracles and make our alliance with HaShem and stop acting as if our salvation comes from Washington. They have no idea that the opposite is true. If they (America) stops backing Israel that will lead to their own downfall....
We Jews helped finance and put Obama in office..w/o whom he had no chance. There are mid-term elections in 2010, and one terrorist attack will dethrone him and his advisers. But Israel will have to be strong (er) in the future, get it's own act together..unify behind a right government. Israel is in fact, with 400 nukes, a mighty country..but it has to believe in itself.....
Cheney offered unusual "home entertainment" in his McLean basement....
US not prophesied to attack Israel....
Z'charya 12:2-3 "Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem.And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it." This will happen but is a sign the Mashiach is soon to come....
The ones prophesied to attack Israel are Magog (Russia), Persia (Iran), Put (Libya), Gomer (Belarus, Serbia, etc.), and so on. There is no mention in Ezekiel of America's Arab allies attacking Israel, like Egypt, Saudi Arabia (Dedan), or Jordan (Moab). In fact, they are the ones, along with Tarshish (the West), who question Magog for plundering....
US Will Be Thrown To Its Own Wolves....

Good riddance, Uncle Sam. The Children of Israel don't want your money. Just leave us alone and we'll be stronger without you. And shame on you, Jews living in America, for manipulating the US government into manipulating ours all these years!! Where were your American parents when my Ukrainian family was burning in Auschwitz?? SILENT... Because they were scared that they'd be next. Well, there's an alternative to living like frightened sheep in the exile. Come back home, to your ONLY, I repeat, ONLY homeland. If you're a Torah-believing Jew, you really have no option, no matter how hard you try to twist and turn to justify your comfortable life in galut. At least try to make Aliyah-nobody can be blamed for not making it in Israel if they've given it a sincere effort-but please stop lying to yourself!!!!
And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron;
for as much as iron breaketh in pieces and beateth down all things;
and as iron that crusheth all these,

shall it (the 4th kingdom) break in pieces and crush.

And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters' clay, and
part of iron, it shall be a divided kingdom;*

*The lands of the Roman Empire came to be dominated by Edom and Ishmael,

one strong as iron, the other weak as pottery - represented by Xtianity
and Islam, COMPRISE THE LATTER DAY - fourth Kingdom (Abarnel), (Is. 25:7).

And in the days of those kings (Xtianity & Islam) shall
the G-d of heaven set up a kingdom,

which shall never be destroyed;
nor shall the kingdom
be left to another people;

it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms,
but it shall stand for ever.
Daniel 2:40-41,44, Daniel Ch. 7
With no moral fiber or compass, the US will fall into civil war and internal decay. This will not take decades. As for War in the ME - War comes. The people who will survive the coming War are surviving now, despite in many cases not seeming to be affluent nor influential. It seems inexplicable and sad that the USA should turn and worship the Father of Lies. On the other hand it seems plain, the nation that brought us the fame of infamy must not worship righteousness. Those who make a lie truth and make truth a lie will die with their own words in their teeth....
Western Nations in WAR Against G-D & Jews Finance PA/PLO/Fatah Eternal Jihad
Financed, armed & trained by the U.S. Palestinian Authority Security Services who have murdered more Jews than Hamas, are AMERICA'S PROXY ARMY AGAINST THE JEWISH PEOPLE.

Because America has continually exerted her super power status to intensely pressure Israel to release thousands of Muslim terrorists; remove checkpoints; surrender G-D given Land to implacable, barbaric enemies bent on Jewish genocide - DEMAND a Muslim TERROR State that will reduce vulnerable little Israel to 9 miles wide INDEFENSIBLE borders enabling a Second Holocaust of Jews.....

G-D will surely deal with the United States as the U.S. has dealt with her loyal ally, Israel.

As you have done, it will be done to you. Your dealings will return on your own head. Obadiah

Terrifying judgment-G-D will surely make U.S vulnerable to massive INVASION by Islamic nations-massive suffering - massive death that will shock the world.....
That is what we are seeing no. The curtains have already started rolling to a close.
God will supernaturally deliver Israel. If God can create Israel he can deliver them. But the Jews have to be sincere to God ad believe in the messiah, Jesus....
America Abandons America....
If one is to believe the Prophets, it would come as no surprise that America will at some time no longer favor Israel - since all nations will gather against it. It is not now, nor has it ever been, nor will it ever be, anyone but the God of Israel, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob Whose support Israel is dependent upon.

"Seek the LORD and His strength; Seek His face continually. Remember His wonders which He has done, His marvels and the judgments uttered by His mouth, O seed of Abraham, His servant, O sons of Jacob, His chosen ones!" Psalm 105:4-6...

The United Sates of America = East India Company 2.0!

Barry Gold Toes, Armitage and that evil poppy plant. State worship is the real opiate of the people. But the opiate of the elite is society's weakness for drugs. You're going for the heart of it Wayne! Ponzi schemes = Money Laundering = Drug Trafficking = 9/11 = Afghanistan = W = Armitage = Obama = Goldman Sachs = AIG FP. The globalists are a drug gang and they have been so since ex-Ottoman Treasurer David Sassoon sold "product" to the East India Company out of Mumbia. Maybe they should call it the Chicago Board of Trafficking....

Good riddance, Uncle Sam. The Children of Israel don't want your money. Just leave us alone and we'll be stronger without you. And shame on you, Jews living in America, for manipulating the US government into manipulating ours all these years!! Where were your American parents when my Ukrainian family was burning in Auschwitz?? SILENT... Because they were scared that they'd be next. Well, there's an alternative to living like frightened sheep in the exile. Come back home, to your ONLY, I repeat, ONLY homeland. If you're a Torah-believing Jew, you really have no option, no matter how hard you try to twist and turn to justify your comfortable life in galut. At least try to make Aliyah-nobody can be blamed for not making it in Israel if they've given it a sincere effort-but please stop lying to yourself!!!!
And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron;
for as much as iron breaketh in pieces and beateth down all things;
and as iron that crusheth all these,

shall it (the 4th kingdom) break in pieces and crush.

And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters' clay, and
part of iron, it shall be a divided kingdom;*

*The lands of the Roman Empire came to be dominated by Edom and Ishmael,

one strong as iron, the other weak as pottery - represented by Xtianity
and Islam, COMPRISE THE LATTER DAY - fourth Kingdom (Abarnel), (Is. 25:7).

And in the days of those kings (Xtianity & Islam) shall
the G-d of heaven set up a kingdom,

which shall never be destroyed;
nor shall the kingdom
be left to another people;

it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms,
but it shall stand for ever.
Daniel 2:40-41,44, Daniel Ch. 7

The Bush gang, their interests SO vested And Poor Truth, for eight years molested Their deceit and deception Not near the point of perfection

The Bush gang, their interests SO vested And Poor Truth, for eight years molested Their deceit and deception Not near the point of perfection If it were MY call, they'd ALL be arrested....

"Freedom itself was attacked this morning by a faceless coward . . . "
-- President Bush, Sept. 11, 2001

"They KNOW it was YOU, Cheney, Rove and Rumsfield"

Karl Rove
Dick Cheney
Donald RumsfEld





Happy coincidenting!

That governments have permitted terrorist acts against their own
people, and have even themselves been perpetrators in order to find
strategic advantage is quite likely true, but this is the United
States we're talking about.

That intelligence agencies, financiers, terrorists and narco-criminals
have a long history together is well established, but the Nugan Hand
Bank, BCCI, Banco Ambrosiano, the P2 Lodge, the CIA/Mafia anti-Castro/
Kennedy alliance, Iran/Contra and the rest were a long time ago, so
there’s no need to rehash all that. That was then, this is now!

That Jonathan Bush’s Riggs Bank has been found guilty of laundering
terrorist funds and fined a US-record $25 million must embarrass his
nephew George, but it's still no justification for leaping to paranoid

That George Bush's brother Marvin sat on the board of the
Kuwaiti-owned company which provided electronic security to the World
Trade Centre, Dulles Airport and United Airlines means nothing more
than you must admit those Bush boys have done alright for themselves.

That George Bush found success as a businessman only after the
investment of Osama’s brother Salem and reputed al Qaeda financier
Khalid bin Mahfouz is just one of those things - one of those crazy

That Osama bin Laden is known to have been an asset of US foreign
policy in no way implies he still is.

That al Qaeda was active in the Balkan conflict, fighting on the same
side as the US as recently as 1999, while the US protected its cells,
is merely one of history's little aberrations.

The claims of Michael Springman, State Department veteran of the
Jeddah visa bureau, that the CIA ran the office and issued visas to al
Qaeda members so they could receive training in the United States,
sound like the sour grapes of someone who was fired for making such
wild accusations.

That one of George Bush's first acts as President, in January 2001,
was to end the two-year deployment of attack submarines which were
positioned within striking distance of al Qaeda's Afghanistan camps,
even as the group's guilt for the Cole bombing was established, proves
that a transition from one administration to the next is never an easy

That so many influential figures in and close to the Bush White House
had expressed, just a year before the attacks, the need for a "new
Pearl Harbor" before their militarist ambitions could be fulfilled,
demonstrates nothing more than the accidental virtue of being in the
right place at the right time.




That the company PTECH, founded by a Saudi financier placed on
America’s Terrorist Watch List in October 2001, had access to the
FAA’s entire computer system for two years before the 9/11 attack,
means he must not have been such a threat after all.

That whistleblower Indira Singh was told to keep her mouth shut and
forget what she learned when she took her concerns about PTECH to her
employers and federal authorities, suggests she lacked the big
picture. And that the Chief Auditor for JP Morgan Chase told Singh
repeatedly, as she answered questions about who supplied her with what
information, that "that person should be killed," suggests he should
take an anger management seminar.

That on May 8, 2001, Dick Cheney took upon himself the job of
co-ordinating a response to domestic terror attacks even as he was
crafting the administration’s energy policy which bore implications
for America's military, circumventing the established infrastructure
and ignoring the recommendations of the Hart-Rudman report, merely
shows the VP to be someone who finds it hard to delegate.

That the standing order which covered the shooting down of hijacked
aircraft was altered on June 1, 2001, taking discretion away from
field commanders and placing it solely in the hands of the Secretary
of Defense, is simply poor planning and unfortunate timing.
Fortunately the error has been corrected, as the order was rescinded
shortly after 9/11.

That in the weeks before 9/11, FBI agent Colleen Rowley found her
investigation of Zacarias Moussaoui so perversely thwarted that her
colleagues joked that bin Laden had a mole at the FBI, proves the
stress-relieving virtue of humor in the workplace.




That Dave Frasca of the FBI’s Radical Fundamentalist Unit received a
promotion after quashing multiple, urgent requests for investigations
into al Qaeda assets training at flight schools in the summer of 2001
does appear on the surface odd, but undoubtedly there's a good reason
for it, quite possibly classified.

That FBI informant Randy Glass, working an undercover sting, was told
by Pakistani intelligence operatives that the World Trade Center
towers were coming down, and that his repeated warnings which
continued until weeks before the attacks, including the mention of
planes used as weapons, were ignored by federal authorities, is simply
one of the many "What Ifs" of that tragic day.

That over the summer of 2001 Washington received many urgent,
senior-level warnings from foreign intelligence agencies and
governments - including those of Germany, France, Great Britain,
Russia, Egypt, Israel, Morocco, Afghanistan and others - of impending
terror attacks using hijacked aircraft and did nothing, demonstrates
the pressing need for a new Intelligence Czar.

That John Ashcroft stopped flying commercial aircraft in July 2001 on
account of security considerations had nothing to do with warnings
regarding September 11, because he said so to the 9/11 Commission.

That former lead counsel for the House David Schippers says he’d taken
to John Ashcroft’s office specific warnings he’d learned from FBI
agents in New York of an impending attack – even naming the proposed
dates, names of the hijackers and the targets – and that the
investigations had been stymied and the agents threatened, proves
nothing but David Schipper’s pathetic need for attention.

That Garth Nicolson received two warnings from contacts in the
intelligence community and one from a North African head of state,
which included specific site, date and source of the attacks, and
passed the information to the Defense Department and the National
Security Council to evidently no effect, clearly amounts to nothing,
since virtually nobody has ever heard of him.

That in the months prior to September 11, self-described US
intelligence operative Delmart Vreeland sought, from a Toronto jail
cell, to get US and Canadian authorities to heed his warning of his
accidental discovery of impending catastrophic attacks is worthless,
since Vreeland was a dubious character, notwithstanding the fact that
many of his claims have since been proven true.

That FBI Special Investigator Robert Wright claims that agents
assigned to intelligence operations actually protect terrorists from
investigation and prosecution, that the FBI shut down his probe into
terrorist training camps, and that he was removed from a
money-laundering case that had a direct link to terrorism, sounds like
yet more sour grapes from a disgruntled employee.

That George Bush had plans to invade Afghanistan on his desk before
9/11 demonstrates only the value of being prepared.

The suggestion that securing a pipeline across Afghanistan figured
into the White House’s calculations is as ludicrous as the assertion
that oil played a part in determining war in Iraq.



That Afghanistan is once again the world’s principal heroin producer
is an unfortunate reality, but to claim the CIA is still actively
involved in the narcotics trade is to presume bad faith on the part of
the agency.

Mahmood Ahmed, chief of Pakistan’s ISI, must not have authorized an al
Qaeda payment of $100,000 to Mohammed Atta days before the attacks,
and was not meeting with senior Washington officials over the week of
9/11, because I didn’t read anything about him in the official

That Porter Goss met with Ahmed the morning of September 11 in his
capacity as Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on
Intelligence has no bearing whatsoever upon his recent selection by
the White House to head the Central Intelligence Agency.

That Goss's congressional seat encompasses the 9/11 hijackers' Florida
base of operation, including their flight schools, is precisely the
kind of meaningless facto id a conspiracy theorist would bring up.

It's true that George HW Bush and Dick Cheney spent the evening of
September 10 alone in the Oval Office, but what's wrong with old
colleagues catching up? And it's true that George HW Bush and Shafig
bin Laden, Osama's brother, spent the morning of September 11 together
at a board meeting of the Carlyle Group, but the bin Ladens are a big

That FEMA arrived in New York on Sept 10 to prepare for a scheduled
bio warfare drill, and had a triage center ready to go that was larger
and better equipped than the one that was lost in the collapse of WTC
7, was a lucky twist of fate.

Newsweek’s report that senior Pentagon officials cancelled flights on
Sept 10 for the following day on account of security concerns is only
newsworthy because of what happened the following morning.

That George Bush's telephone logs for September 11 do not exist should
surprise no one, given the confusion of the day.

That Mohamed Atta attended the International Officer's School at
Maxwell Air Force Base, that Abdulaziz Alomari attended Brooks Air
Force Base Aerospace Medical School, that Saeed Alghamdi attended the
Defense Language Institute in Monterey merely shows it is a small
world, after all.

That Lt Col Steve Butler, Vice Chancellor for student affairs of the
Defense Language Institute during Alghamdi's terms, was disciplined,
removed from his post and threatened with court martial when he wrote
"Bush knew of the impending attacks on America. He did nothing to warn
the American people because he needed this war on terrorism. What
is...contemptible is the President of the United States not telling
the American people what he knows for political gain," is the least
that should have happened for such disrespect shown his Commander in



That Mohammed Atta dressed like a Mafioso, had a stripper girlfriend,
smuggled drugs, was already a licensed pilot when he entered the US,
enjoyed pork chops, drank to excess and did cocaine, was closer to
Europeans than Arabs in Florida, and included the names of defense
contractors on his email list, proves how dangerous the radical
fundamentalist Muslim can be.

That 43 lbs of heroin was found on board the Lear Jet owned by Wally
Hilliard, the owner of Atta’s flight school, just three weeks after
Atta enrolled – the biggest seizure ever in Central Florida – was just
bad luck. That Hilliard was not charged shows how specious the claims
for conspiracy truly are.

That Hilliard’s plane had made 30-round trips to Venezuela with the
same passengers who always paid cash, that the plane had been supplied
by a pair of drug smugglers who had also outfitted CIA drug runner
Barry Seal, and that 9/11 commissioner Richard ben-Veniste had been
Seal’s attorney before Seal’s murder, shows nothing but the lengths to
which conspiracists will go to draw sinister conclusions.

Reports of insider trading on 9/11 are false, because the SEC
investigated and found only respectable investors who will remain
nameless involved, and no terrorists, so the windfall profit-taking
was merely, as ever, coincidental.

That heightened security for the World Trade Centre was lifted
immediately prior to the attacks illustrates that it always happens
when you least expect it.

That Hani Hanjour, the pilot of Flight 77, was so incompetent he could
not fly a Cessna in August, but in September managed to fly a 767 at
excessive speed into a spiraling, 270-degree descent and a level
impact of the first floor of the Pentagon, on the only side that was
virtually empty and had been hardened to withstand a terrorist attack,
merely demonstrates that people can do almost anything once they set
their minds to it.

That none of the flight data recorders were said to be recoverable
even though they were located in the tail sections, and that until
9/11, no solid-state recorder in a catastrophic crash had been
unrecoverable, shows how there's a first time for everything.

That Mohammed Atta left a uniform, a will, a Koran, his driver's
license and a "how to fly planes" video in his rental car at the
airport means he had other things on his mind.


The mention of Israelis with links to military-intelligence having
been arrested on Sept 11 videotaping and celebrating the attacks, of
an Israeli espionage ring surveiling DEA and defense installations and
trailing the hijackers, and of a warning of impending attacks
delivered to the Israeli company Odigo two hours before the first
plane hit, does not deserve a response. That the stories also appeared
in publications such as Ha'aretz and Forward is a sad display of self-
hatred among certain elements of the Israeli media.

That multiple military war games and simulations were underway the
morning of 9/11 – one simulating the crash of a plane into a building;
another, a live-fly simulation of multiple hijackings – and took many
interceptors away from the eastern seaboard and confused field
commanders as to which was a real hijacked aircraft and which was a
hoax, was a bizarre coincidence, but no less a coincidence.

That the National Military Command Center OPS director asked a rookie
substitute to stand his watch at 8:30 am on Sept. 11 is nothing more
than bad timing.

That a recording made Sept 11 of air traffic controllers’ describing
what they had witnessed, was destroyed by an FAA official who crushed
it in his hand, cut the tape into little pieces and dropped them in
different trash cans around the building, is something no doubt that
overzealous official wishes he could undo.

That the FBI knew precisely which Florida flight schools to descend
upon hours after the attacks should make every American feel safer
knowing their federal agents are on the ball.

That a former flight school executive believes the hijackers were
"double agents," and says about Atta and associates, "Early on I
gleaned that these guys had government protection. They were let into
this country for a specific purpose," and was visited by the FBI just
four hours after the attacks to intimidate him into silence, proves
he's an unreliable witness, for the simple reason there is no

That Jeb Bush was on board an aircraft that removed flight school
records to Washington in the middle of the night on Sept 12th
demonstrates how seriously the governor takes the issue of national

To insinuate evil motive from the mercy flights of bin Laden family
members and Saudi royals after 9/11 shows the sickness of the
conspiratorial minds.

Le Figaro’s report in October 2001, known to have originated with
French intelligence, that the CIA met Osama bin Laden in a Dubai
hospital in July 2001, proves again the perfidy of the French.


That the tape in which bin Laden claims responsibility for the attacks
was released by the State Department after having been found
providentially by US forces in Afghanistan, and depicts a fattened
Osama with a broader face and a flatter nose, proves Osama, and Osama
alone, masterminded 9/11.

That at the battle of Tora Bora, where bin Laden was surrounded on
three sides, Special Forces received no order to advance and capture
him and were forced to stand and watch as two Russian-made helicopters
flew into the area where bin Laden was believed hiding, loaded up
passengers and returned to Pakistan, demonstrates how confusing the
modern battlefield can be.

That upon returning to Fort Bragg from Tora Bora, the same Special
Operations troops who had been stood down from capturing bin Laden,
suffered a unusual spree of murder/suicides, is nothing more than a
series of senseless tragedies.

Reports that bin Laden is currently receiving periodic dialysis
treatment in a Pakistani medical hospital are simply too incredible to
be true.

That the White House went on Cipro September 11 shows the
foresightedness of America’s emergency response.

That the anthrax was mailed to perceived liberal media and the
Democratic leadership demonstrates only the perversity of the
terrorist psyche.

That the anthrax attacks appeared to silence opponents of the Patriot
Act shows only that appearances can be deceiving.

That the Ames-strain anthrax was found to have originated at Fort
Detrick, and was beyond the capability of all but a few labs to
refine, underscores the importance of allowing the investigation to
continue without the distraction of absurd conspiracy theories.

That Republican guru Grover Norquist has been found to have aided
financiers and supporters of Islamic terror to gain access to the Bush
White House, and is a founder of the Islamic Institute, which the
Treasury Department believes to be a source of funding for al Qaeda,
suggests Norquist is at worst, naive, and at best, needs a wider
circle of friends.

That the Department of Justice consistently chooses to see accused
9/11 plotters go free rather than permit the courtroom testimony of al
Qaeda leaders in American custody looks bad, but only because we don't
have all the facts.

That the White House balked at any inquiry into the events of 9/11,
then starved it of funds and stonewalled it, was unfortunate, but
since the commission didn't find for conspiracy it's all a non issue

That the 9/11 commission's executive director and "gatekeeper," Philip
Zelikow, was so closely involved in the events under investigation
that he testified before the commission as part of the inquiry, shows
only an apparent conflict of interest.

That commission chair Thomas Kean is, like George Bush, a Texas oil
executive who had business dealings with reputed al Qaeda financier
Khalid bin Mafouz, suggests Texas is smaller than they say it is.

That co-chair Lee Hamilton has a history as a Bush family "fixer,"
including clearing Bush Sr of the claims arising from the 1980
"October Surprise", is of no concern, since only conspiracists believe
there was such a thing as an October Surprise.

That FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds accuses the agency of
intentionally fudging specific pre-9/11 warnings and harboring a
foreign espionage ring in its translation department, and claims she
witnessed evidence of the semi-official infrastructure of
money-laundering and narcotics trade behind the attacks, is of no
account, since John Ashcroft has gagged her with the rare invocation
of "State Secrets Privilege," and retroactively classified her public
testimony. For the sake of national security, let us speak no more of

That, when commenting on Edmond's case, Daniel Ellsberg remarked that
Ashcroft could go to prison for his part in a cover-up, suggests
Ellsberg is giving comfort to the terrorists, and could, if he doesn't
wise up, find himself declared an enemy combatant.

I could go on. And on and on. But I trust you get the point. Which is
simply this: there are no secrets, an American government would never
accept civilian casualties for geo-strategic gain, and conspiracies
are for the weak-minded and gullible.
